Sunday, May 29, 2011

Feeling a little demonic?

Requested by a customer and inspired by my closest friend, Delilah Darkwatch, I present to you the first 5 poses of The Darkwatch Diaries pose collection.
Come and pick yours up today at Sparrowtree Studios Poses

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Calling ALL hunters!

Sparrowtree Studios Poses is participating in two upcoming hunts and I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the hunt prizes. All of the poses are exclusive for the hunt ONLY and will NOT be sold in the store and are X-Poser system compatible, of course! :)
For the Moolto Sisters Hunt running June 1st-June 30th:

For the Depraved Summer Nights Hunt running June 1st-June 30th:
SSP Fireflies pose
SSP Light Up The Night pose

I hope to see all of you soon! <3 Calypso

Monday, May 9, 2011

Introducing Sparrowtree Studios Poses

Sparrowtree Studios Poses now offers X-Poser System compatible poses!

If you are not familiar with Sparrowtree Studios Poses,
allow me to tell you a bit about the store...
Every month, I release a $1L "Pose of the Month" that typically includes a
photo prop.
All singles poses are priced at $25L
Couples poses are $50L
Group poses are $75L-$100L
I can create custom poses for you as well. There is information in the store regarding this, or you may contact me (preferably via notecard).
For 80's movie buffs, there are poses inspired by Flashdance, Grease,
The Breakfast Club, Say Anything and 16 Candles.
For those looking for something a little spicier, may I suggest my line of Kama Sutra poses?

I look forward to meeting you! <3 Calypso

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

.:S:. Stance Is Back, Better Then Ever!

Hi everyone!  I'm back, and .:S:. Stance is growing bigger and better every day.  I've had a ton of new releases this past month, but I won't post every one of them here now.  If you'd like to see a full list, visit my blog and see the New Products page.

One of my most exciting releases is "Once Upon A Time".  Every one of us gals have had to kiss an awful lot of frogs.  But how many of us ever actually find a prince?  Try it for yourself!  Maybe you'll get lucky!

Another favorite of mine this month is my "Kitty Kuddlez".  So many of you out there are into the kittys and have asked for poses for them.  Here they are!  Enjoy!

We are having an exciting Spring Photography Contest.  Be sure to stop by .:S:. Stance to get the information on that.  We have some great prizes lined up for it.

Lots of exciting things are coming soon to .:S:. Stance so be sure to join the group or subscription service to keep abreast of everything.

I look forward to seeing you!