Available at Essential Soul Mainstore
The X-Capture is the most powerful system you could get in SL
if you are a professional photographer or an amateur.
X-Capture allows you to animate one or more avatar simoultaneusly using your own animations in a REZZABLE AND NO-REZZABLE area.
1) Animate myself (hud's owner) or Animate Model
2) The Hud operates in rezzable an NON - rezzable areas
3) Animate UNLIMITED AVATARS in a range of 96 m
4) Possibility to list animations W/O a CATEGORY
5) Camera Lock
6) Emoticons (Facial Animations) control on ALL avatars posing (through device fuction)
7) 4 lights fully customizable system for each avatar posing (through device fuction)
8) Device function to interact with each posing avatar (possibility to work on differet channels)
9) Info Button to enter in our NEWS blog to keep in touch about all releases from ES and Partners
10) LM Button to scroll the the best unforgetable places
11) Banner system to get info about ES AND PARTNERS plus if you click on it you will get the slur for a direct tp!